Finding Home

Hi my name is Carol, I will be the Royals President this semester. I joined Royals my first semester during my freshman year. I wanted to take a full swing into college life and join an organization to meet more people. I realized that for me college was going to be pretty boring without a flurry of activity. Like most girls looking into spirit groups, I went to a variety of tables, but the Royals info session and meet & greet was where I felt at home. Royals stood out to me because girls took the time to actually get to know me and remembered my name each time I came to an event. This made me feel included and important as an incoming freshman who did not know much. 

Completing my Jewel semester was so much fun! I met so many girls and went to every event with them, my freshmen year was a blast due to my Jewel Class. I loved getting to know all of the active members through Royal rounds and other fun events. It was especially great to finally have a group of people I could go out with and get to know Austin. Royals is where I found my best friend, grew in my leadership skills, and had a ton of fun. Iā€™m so fortunate to have found a group so special in college. 

Enjoy your semester #livingroyally! 

Carolina Vergara Silva

Fall 2020 President
