Texas Royals

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You Deserve to Have Fun

Hi there. I just wanted to start out my letter by saying thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. I don’t want to sugar coat my life in anyway, so I will be straight with you. My college experience so far has been defined by killer classes, endless self-doubt, countless nights studying, and extreme stress about my future. I suppose those feelings are pretty typical for college students. When I was in your position, doing my fair share of “creepin" on this organization, I wondered if I would really have time to commit, or if I should join things that only pertain to my majors. When I was debating applying, my grandmother called me, and we talked for hours. She consoled me, told me that I was smart enough to be here, and that all of my stress would be worth it one day. Most importantly, she told me that I deserved to have fun, because life isn’t about assignments or trying to be perfect all the time. After that call, I decided that I wanted to join an organization that will help me have memorable experiences and to make many sweet friends who I can turn to when I’m worried or scared. Texas Royals has been that home for me. Join Royals! You won't regret it.

Grace Heineman || Spirit Chair || Fall 2018